Saturday, October 24, 2009

T20 and counting....

20 days to go.

I was hoping the week was going to be easier. Its been a tough few months, in fact a tough long year. With only 20 days left I was hoping for a serious reduction in training volume. When I checked the programme I noticed, it wasn't significantly different but enough to make a difference.

Monday was a day off..... again.... taking a lot of these. It also was Moleys Birthday, 43. We went out first for a recovery cycle only for 1.15hr. We had planned 2 hrs but the bikes were giving out to us. There was a lot of creaking going on!! A trip to the cycle superstore was on the cards. How much this time I wonder? Of course when I got there, I forgot about money and was like a kid in a sweet shop. I got a new shorts and tri top, for the race and left the bike in for a service, knowing I needed a lot of work done. Then it was off to the pool where we did 100 repeats. A 300 warm up then 25 100's on 1.40 with 20 sec recovery per 100. I felt great at the end.

Tuesday: a day off..... A run was planned but we were on 'The Restaurant' for next seasons show and had to travel to Athlone so between work etc it wasn't going to happen.

Wednesday: another long day, drive from Athlone to work, long day at work then off for a quick run prior to an accupunture session. I did an hour on the threadmill and ended at 13.5km/hr pace. Focussed on my form although its difficult in the gym, its a different type of running. Alex worked on my calves, loads of knots to undo and did accupunture on both my knees. Although sore I always feel better after these sessions.

Thursday: Turbo day or speed run. Based on the volume I have been running in the past 8 week I decided to skip the speed run and do the turbo instead. The main set consisted of( 2 x 2mins with a 15sec rest between then 12min hard, 2.5min easy) x 2. I love these sessions. Short and hard.

Friday: Took another day off, had agreed with my boss as I wanted another mini block prior to the main part of the taper. I did a pyramid session which consisted of 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100 and a 200 cool down. Total 3.8km. Thats the first 3.8km I've swum since IM Lanza. I used the pull buoy on a couple of the sets but went back to kicking towards the end. As a session it worked for me as I got distance and maintained my sub 1.40 pace for the lot.

Saturday: 5 hr bike planned, weather to be dreadful. Ah well, we've had a great 2 months of weather so no complaints. we left at 10 instead of 9 and met up with Cian and Eanna. I'm really enjoying cycling with others again. We have trained so much and so hard on our own this year. We were lucky.... we only had 2 heavy showers. Today we hit the hills a bit more, felt like fun. I need more fun in my cycling. Ended up with 4hr 35mins, then the heavens opened. We finished on 125km. A drop of about 40km on our normal Saturday cycle.

So the week is nearly over, 2 weeks left today. I'm a little nervous, usual questions, have I done enough, am I fast enough, will I puncture, what will I do if I puncture, what will I wear......

One day of this week left, a 2 hr run planned. Probably do a similar route to the last few weeks, again focus on technique and holding my pace. Will let you know how it went.

2 hrs planned for today and well I just wasn’t up to it. No, that’s a lie. I was but I just didn’t feel motivated. Not sure why, legs were fine, no injuries. Think the toll of training is catching up with me. We decided on an out and back route and we cut the time by 15mins. As it was now to be 1.45hr we didn’t leave out any water and didn’t use any gels. We both started together and were holding an ok pace 5.15min/hr, slow for me a little faster than normal for Paul. However, I was fine with that. I just wanted to complete the time, distance was irrelevant. When we got to Ashford, I felt a lot better in myself so picked up the pace and ran at 4.30min/km for about 3km, just a little test really to check how I was doing. When you are running well you really notice the fluidity and it feels great. Then I doubled back and continued the run with Paul. We held a 5.05min pace (I think) for the remainder of the run. I ended up running 20km in 1.42hr, not my finest ever run but 20km all the same. I was happy with it as I felt fine and recovery from the run would be quick. Real taper starts tomorrow, every second day off wahoooooooooooo. Oh sh*t, that means the race is around the corner!!!!!

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